You must be over 18 (or 21 if in the United Sates)
All customers regardless of U.S. state are age verified. We age-verify after the order is submitted and before the order is filled. If we are unable to age-verify, your order will not be shipped until we do. After a customer is age-verified, they will not have to re-age-verify unless they change states or ship to another person. If shipping to another person, that person is age-verified.
We will attempt to contact you via phone or email to verify your age. We typically require a copy/photo of your driver’s license, or some other form of government issued ID, that verifies your date of birth.
Falsifying your age for the purpose of purchasing nicotine-related products may be illegal and carry fines and criminal penalties in your state or country.
This ”may” delay your first order until we have verified your account. (We also retroactively verify existing accounts as new orders are placed.)
Thank you for your cooperation with this requirement.
The purchasers account will be given a classification of VERIFIED-RETAIL-CUSTOMER when verified. Where required by law: if we are unable to verify your age by any of the legal processes available to us, we will close your account and refund your order.
A link to this page is provided on every page (FOOTER MENU) and a notice of NO UNDER 18 (21+ if in the United States) is posted at the footer on every page of our website.
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